Roxanne Lowit and Giuseppe Varchetta

Collezione Maramotti
Temporary Exhibit space Collezione Maramotti
30 April - 25 May 2008
PATTERN ROOM with a text by Marco Belpoliti
promoted by: Collezione Maramotti
Images by Roxanne Lowit and Giuseppe Varchetta. Two different gazes document and interpret the intriguing relationship between the body of works, artists and visitors to the exhibition space, on the occasion of the Collection’s opening. This is a complex system of relationships that is made even more powerful in their reciprocal mirroring. A critical text by Marco Belpoliti accompanies and comments on the images, giving a third interpretation of the theme and introducing a reflection on the role of photography.
Information and contacts:
Collezione Maramotti
via Fratelli Cervi 66
42100 Reggio Emilia
tel. + 39 0522-382484
30/04: 19.00 to 22.00
1/05 - 4/05: admission free 10.00 to 13.00 and 14.30 to 18.00
6/05 - 25/05: the exhibits is open to the visitors of the Permanet Collection by appointment only, tel. +39 0522-382484 
Admission free

© Roxanne Lowit, 2007

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